
Wednesday, May 14, 2014

San Diego County Fires

My hometown is on fire. Currently, there are 8 fires in the surrounding areas where I live. It seems so weird to me that life just goes on while homes, businesses, and fields burn down.  My heart breaks hearing about these stories and watching the news updates. I can't handle watching the news broadcast a home burning away. Home is where the heart is...this is someone's home, someone's heart. The memories, comfort, safety, and not to mention possessions are taken away by fire. Huge, hot, orange blazes just taking out someone's life. This may seem dramatic, but imagine for just a second that it is your house going up in flames. It's unbelievable! You feel so helpless, but there is nothing you can do.  Some people are able to grab a few things and evacuate whereas others are not so fortunate.

The brave firemen are working hard in the heat and police men are manning the streets for traffic and closures. Local businesses set up areas of refuge for families and their pets. But, how do you even decide what to take in the few moments you do have to gather items? I can't imagine leaving my house knowing it could all be gone by morning.

These homes are beautiful. Some are newly built custom homes. Someone recently reached their dream just to have it burned down to embers. Where do you even begin to go from here? How do you start over, rebuild, repurchase?

I feel incredibly fortunate that my home and my family member's homes are not in danger. Not yet anyway. But this is scary and shocking.

All photos taken from 10 news where you can see others and read about it

Cheers to praying for relief, safety, firefighters, and families! 

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