
Friday, May 2, 2014

Curbs, Crutches, and Ankles...Oh My!

On Saturday night Chris and I went to dinner with my parents. We gifted them a staycation for their wedding anniversary and they graciously invited us to join them for dinner.  After dinner and checking out their hotel room we left. I walked out of the hotel feeling like a badass because I just covertly stole two free lollipops from the front desk.  I was so stealth I'm already being recruited for my next mission. Stay tuned for that ;).

Meanwhile, we went to the car and I stepped off the curb to get into the car only suddenly I was on the ground.  I had no idea what happened, but was surprised and quickly realized the ground was slanted not flat leading to my fall.  Chris picked me up and put me in the car where I immediately felt pain in my ankle. I made him take off my boot because I figured my ankle would swell and there would be no chance of getting my boot off later.

When we got home I put my foot up, added ice, and took some ibuprofen.  Sunday morning my ankle was huge, bruised, and I could not walk on it without pain. We I debated going to urgent care, but figured I would give it a day or two more and see. After Google searching and realizing my foot needed to be amputated immediately, I decided to go to urgent care first thing in the morning to have my ankle checked out.
Swollen ankle
Turns out it's just a sprain. I was given a brace and crutches and told to stay off of it and in about 6 weeks I should be healed.  Um, excuse me? 6 weeks?!  My life requires two legs and I have a trip planned in a week I CANNOT be out of commission for six long weeks.
At urgent care
My husband aka Dr. Chris claims he could have told me the same thing and saved us an expensive trip to the doctor, but I just wasn't satisfied with that option.  However, I have been following orders with keeping my leg elevated all day long and doing as little walking as possible.  Luckily, my work is flexible and has allowed me to work from home. The downside is that being in bed for five days straight is b o r i n g!! Hopefully, this won't actually last six weeks.
My home office for the week
Bright Side: a lot of time to paint my nails and tons of cuddles with Harvie 
Cheers to curbs and sprained ankles?!

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