
Monday, June 30, 2014

That one time I unexpectedly got a tattoo

Happy Monday!

I am normally NOT a Monday person. As in a do you think they would notice if I just didn't show up kind of way. But, tomorrow is my first Monday at a new job (more on that later) and I am kind of excited! Everything is new and unexpected and for once I am intrigued by this and looking forward to seeing how a new week unfolds.

On Saturday I got a tattoo! It was something I have wanted for a while, but just never did. I didn't wake up thinking "I'll get a tattoo today" instead it was completely random. Chris and I went for a motorcycle ride around town and stopped for coffee. Down the street from the coffee shop is a tattoo place where two of his friends get all of their work done. So, we popped in and before I knew it I was signing my life away and nervously handing my arm over to a stranger to permanently mark. Honestly, this was the perfect way to get my tattoo done because if it wasn't spontaneous I would probably try to talk myself out of it. I LOVE it and am so glad I finally did it!

No, it didn't was more uncomfortable. It felt like a bee sting. My tattoo was tiny and took about 30 seconds, so it was completely bearable for me. However, I'm sure it depends on the location on your body and the time your tattoo takes. I cannot imagine sitting for hours, so that would probably be painful. My advice...DO IT if you're questioning getting inked!

Cheers to tattoos! 

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